For Leaders and Changemakers (Sep '22)


This innovative programme shows you how to bring a new intelligence, authority and presence to your leadership from regular time outdoors

10-week online programme (September 2022)

Building leadership capacity at a time when we're responding to complex change at speed asks us to plug into new sources of energy and inspiration. Switching on to outdoor intelligence enables you to do just that.

Secure Your Place On This Programme

This innovative programme shows you how to bring a new intelligence, authority and presence to your leadership from regular time outdoors

10-week online programme (September 2022)

Building leadership capacity at a time when we're responding to complex change at speed asks us to plug into new sources of energy and inspiration. Switching on to outdoor intelligence enables you to do just that.

This innovative programme shows you how to bring a new intelligence, authority and presence to your leadership from regular time outdoors

10-week online programme (September 2022)

Building leadership capacity at a time when we're responding to complex change at speed asks us to plug into new sources of energy and inspiration. Switching on to outdoor intelligence enables you to do just that.

What if time outdoors isn’t just a 'nice to have' but a vital time for you to reconnect with a potent intelligence within and outside you?

Start to experience this new intelligence during time outdoors where ever you are, even in urban areas.

  • Shift brain overload into new ways of knowing.

  • Experience powerful thinking space.

  • Strengthen your embodied authority and presence.

  • Explore the work that yours to do in the world.

  • Build an outdoor practice that sustains and inspires you whenever you need it.

By the end of this 10-week programme, you will know what it is to give yourself an experience of leadership quest, pilgrimage and adventure in as little as 10 minutes outdoors every day.

What you'll get

  • The opportunity to explore your own leadership challenges for renewed clarity, energy and focus.

  • Participation in a 10 week online programme of 6 x live 1.5 hr sessions plus 6hrs of online learning.

  • Group coaching with an experienced and qualified leadership coach during the live sessions.

  • Guidance in developing an outdoor practice for self-coaching.

  • Collaborative peer-learning in a confidential closed group with a maximum of 8 participants.

  • A one-to-one 1/2 hour session with Fi in which to explore and plan how to integrate this after the programme.

Outdoor Intelligence Programmes’ Feedback

Fi’s passion and enthusiasm shone through at every session and created a really special space for the eight of us to share and explore this way of experiencing human development. A powerful experience that I have introduced into my coaching process and way of working. During the programme we were immersed in nature whilst working remotely from each other online, experiencing what we are encouraging our clients to experience.
— Darren Hilton, Tapping The Source

How it works

The programme is a blend of live small group (max 10 people) sessions online, self-guided learning and solo time outdoors. You'll move through a carefully curated journey to explore two things.

  • What's most important in your leadership right now.

  • How to find insight into this using an outdoor practice.

You'll be in a confidential closed group for period of the programme over 10 weeks with a buddy support during that time.

  • Before each live session, you'll be asked to complete one hour of online learning from videos, articles and exercises on our learning platform.

  • 6 x fortnightly 1.5 hour online sessions 11am - 12.30 pm (GMT local time) for group coaching and peer learning.

  • Between sessions, you'll also be invited to spend time outdoors paying attention to particular aspects of stepping into outdoor intelligence. Min 1 hour - ideally more.

  • Your one-to-one session with Fi is offered when the programme has completed to integrate your experience.

The Leadership Journey

Wednesday 31 August 2022 - Into Quest

Wednesday 14 September 2022 - Across the Threshold

Wednesday 5 October 2022 - The Pilgrimage That Calls

Wednesday 19 October 2022 - Edgework & Adventure

Wednesday 2 November 2022 - What If?

Wednesday 16 November 2022 - The Road Ahead

Who is it for

Leaders and changemakers who want to bring new energy and insight to their leadership and enjoy spending time outdoors.

I believe that we are all leaders, in moments or in a role, so this programme builds leadership capacity in anyone who wants it.

The group will benefit from a variety of backgrounds and experience including the level of responsibility that is held.

Changemakers, including consultants and coaches, will also benefit from this methodology to work with clients.



About Fi Macmillan

I am an Adventurer, Leadership Coach and Supervisor. Inspired by indigenous people and our evolutionary past, I'm passionate about how Outdoor Intelligence informs leadership. I work with leaders through my own coaching practice, Wild Leadership, and am on the faculty of Catalyst 14 offering Coaching Outdoors on the Advanced Diploma in Transformational Coaching. I live in the Cotswolds, walk daily and go wild as often as possible.

For Online Coaching (Sep '22)